Your life is what you create it to be!

Posts tagged ‘health’

How to Start Running! I am not a Runner, I just Play one!


I am NOT a runner and by no means, will I claim to be an expert! BUT, what I will have to share is the aspect of just getting out there, no excuses, and just following through.

When it comes right down to it, when I am sitting comfortable in my chair, and I say in my head, “I’m gonna go running”, there’s a SMALL window that can easily derail my efforts.  Being careful to not sit down at my computer, if taking too long to figure out how to get Pandora to work on my iPhone, or even just not finding the perfect pair of sneakers, all can be an easy excuse for me to say- Oh well! I just won’t go. I WISH I established that “runner’s high!” What is that? HOW do you actually get that, can I buy it so this becomes easier???

I have decided to start my days at least with a quick jog around the block. Cross Training is very important, especially when your body gets used to doing the same type of work outs all the time.  I’m normally not a runner, I really should be saying jogger. To be very candid and honest, most of the time it’s because I just hate getting those shin splints and so sore!

So in my ventures to stick this out and start “jogging” more, I started to do some research on how to avoid those shin splints. I have found I tend to be a heel strike runner. Eh, that’s what I get for being a novice! And after watching many training videos on how to land more on your ball of your foot and roll onto your toes, it just doesn’t come that easy. I could have SWORN my high school track teacher says long distance runners run heel/toe and sprinters run on their toes. Well, we know I’m not going out for any records, so feel comfortable on the heel. But, those darn shin splints come fast!

So I watched videos, read articles, and they suggest landing on the ball and rolling off to toes.  I understand this will take practice, just like everything does, but the morning I ran this way I felt slower, it was harder because I had to keep thinking, “Stay off your heel”, “don’t point your toes” “just land neutral” “just be loosey goosey”….seriously, everything was rolling through my head to try and make that happen.  Eh, not sure if I succeeded or not, but I did wake up the next day with my shins and calves more sore. Could it be because of 2 days running in a row or because of my challenge in foot position?

My 3rd day, I snapped some pics while running, and what do you know, the proof is in the picture. 

I’ll keep working at it. It’s something I know I just have to keep practicing. As with everything, you will get better with practice, and I may just find that I might practice this so much, I may actually start to enjoy this!

Well, to tell the truth, I should whisper and tell ya, It’s actually been kind of enjoyable!”

I grew up in a small country town in upstate NY. To find myself in a place where I have been able to actually enjoy my scenery, and put myself back into the world of nature that I actually enjoy, has been nice!  I have been able to figure out that Pandora account on my iPhone, take in the lush scenery around me, get some sun in which I enjoy, and feel good about actually following through with doing what I said I would do!

What is really cool is living in an area that brings me joy! All the things that I have been building up to, and finding a moment of peace in my day to take in the scenery, enjoy the sun, listen to my favorite tunes, and not feel the pressure of constantly feeling like I should be doing something for work or for someone else.

I enjoy that the park across from my road and is the same name as my father’s name. I look forward to seeing that everyday as a mark of completion.

These are my moments, and I should protect them.  Who know’s if I’ll ever become a “runner”, but just to enjoy something different for a moment has been nice!  Being able to step out of my comfort zone and to be vulnerable as a novice.  There is no excuse.  Even if you only have a spare moment in time to do something quick for your work out, those 10-15 mins is better than nothing.  No excuses! You have your gym equipment. You have your gym membership. It’s free.  Just open your front door and go! Squats, walking lunges, and push ups are an extra BONUS!

Back to School Routine…but It’s Not about the Books

Kids all across the country have started the school year, and as you know, mine did as well. But school isn’t what this blog post is really about. It’s about the routine – ya know, getting up, going to school, doing homework, and repeating to bring about an expected end result of passing the grade and graduating? In the same way that going back to school means a new year and new beginning for the kids, this is the perfect time of year for the whole family to make it a new beginning and get into a healthy routine and work toward an expected result as well.

But let’s remember, kids don’t walk into school and take their final exams and hand in their final projects. It’s a process. It takes small steps, constant work, much preparation, and repetitive actions. We need to implement this same sort of philosophy in our daily lives to be healthier.

So, how do we get started?

Lay the groundwork. Make sure the cupboards and fridge help support your healthy habits. Get rid of junk food and soda. Keep fresh fruit in bowls on the counter, and wash and cut fresh veggies ahead of time and keep at eye-level in the fridge for easy snacking.

Plan ahead – in writing. Create your daily plan, from what time you will all get up, eat breakfast, workout, and so-on. Post it on the fridge or somewhere that everyone will see it on a regular basis. Check things off as you complete them for a sense of accomplishment in sticking to your plan.

Don’t get impatient. It is going to take time, to develop the habits of your new routine and to see results. Whether some of your family needs to lose weight, or wants more energy, or more stamina and endurance – these will all take time. Just know that each time, each day you follow through on your new healthy routine, you are stepping closer to your goals. Stay positive.

Celebrate victories. Pat one another, or yourself on the back for making some new, positive changes—no matter how small. Sure there will be days that don’t go as planned or you have a set-back. So what. Start fresh the next day. As you succeed, you gain self-confidence, which leads to greater success, and it will just continue. You are on your way. You and your family are getting healthier and stronger each and every day and adding years to your life! Don’t you dare slow down now!

I hope you had an awesome summer and Happy Labor Day! Are you ready to make a fresh start this time of year? Have you started? Let’s go!

How to plan your meals for weightloss

If you’re thinking about losing a few pounds, there are a few ingredients you need to ensure your success. Of course you need to have an exercise program scheduled in your week, complete with resistance, stretching, and cardio training. BUT, I’d like to focus mostly on how to organize and plan what you should be eating throughout the day to make those strides towards your goals in weight loss.

If you are like me on the days you haven’t planned what you will eat, you may be likely to either skip eating or grab a bunch of empty calorie foods or a boat load of pretzels. Planning and being prepared is key.

One of my tricks is to stay as consistent in what I eat from each day. Now if you are a person that likes creativity and variety, then I suggest you plan out a couple of days and then just rotate around them until you get in the habit of knowing how to pair up the foods you eat and the portion sizes. But for me, creature of habit. I’m pretty much good with the same thing everyday.

General rule of thumb is to choose foods you actually like to eat, and yes, healthy foods. Additionally, my suggestions below may not fit exactly in your dietary guidelines, and always suggest checking with your doctor.

But in general, you need to eat carbs, protein, and fats. Your life is not living a lifestyle if you omit a food group so you can quickly lose weight. I am not a fan of the no carb diets. Your body needs carbs as well as good fats. I’m a mom of 2 toddlers, married, running my own home business, as well as working professionally in the fitness world. I don’t have a lot of time to “think” about what I want to eat. These are my general guidelines:

  1. Find out how many calories you should be eating for your body type, weight, and goals (maintenance & weight loss) On average- decrease by 500 calories from maintenance to lose 1 lb per week.
  2. Once you know what your caloric goal for the entire day should be, divide up those calories into 5-6 meals. Then just choose serving sizes and foods each time you eat to fit that caloric range.
    1. If I’m on a 1800 calorie diet and eat 6 meals a day, then each time I eat- I’ll eat about 300 calories each meal.
  3. Always choose protein, carbs, and sometimes fats.
    1. Suggest eating 1-2 times a day of good fat. (Avocado, Olive Oil, Peanut Butter, Almonds.)
  4. Eat your starchy whole grain carbs in your first meals and switch to the fibrous carbs in the afternoon for the later meals.
    1. Starchy Whole Grain- Oatmeal, Whole Grain breads (be sure it doesn’t say enriched wheat)
    2. Fibrous Carbs- Vegetables are best choices (green) limit too many fruits.
  5. Be sure to always eat every 2 1/2 – 3 hours. Fuel your metabolism!

The quality of the food you choose will be your focus as well. When selecting your protein sources, be sure to choose lean meats prepared broiled, baked, or grilled. The more processing to the meat, the higher chance it’s not a good food choice. Also, you want to stay clear of deli meats. Those have a lot of preservatives and are not the best choice of meats to choose from. Only select that option if you are in need of something quick.

I personally supplement my meals as well so I’m not always “preparing”. I personally use meal replacement bars like Kashi but additionally everyday, I at least have 1 or 2 Shakeology shakes.

I know I’m getting the delivery of all my fruits and vegetables, probiotics, prebiotics, daily vitamins, and many rare ingredients I just couldn’t possible eat or fit in my day. It’s easier sometimes to just have a quick shake as well so your body is processing food. I personally chose to be a rep with this company because of this product, but I would suggest it no matter. If you want to know more about it or try a sample for taste, let me know.

Your main goal is to have your body run like a fire. Keep throwing small pieces of wood on it to keep the fire burning! Rather than 1 big load, which will extinguish your fire (metabolism) If you feed your body small mini meals, the fire of your metabolism starts working for you and increases caloric burn.

Also, don’t be so hard on yourself! Allow for moments of sweet tooth fulfillment!. Just jump back on your schedule. The more strict you are in your diet for too long of a time, the higher the chance you will go off on a binge and throw it out the window. So schedule in those days of indulgence. Maybe exercise a bit more that day or cut back the calories in the day leading and following. Be flexible, and know this is a lifestyle. We’re human, and as long as you keep working to see what works best for your lifestyle and to see that improvement, you will get there.

Active Military can be a Beacbody Coach FREE?!

Are you or your spouse an active member of the military? Have you heard about the awesome opportunity Beachbody has created just for you to help you get physically and financially fit? You can get P90X, Insanity and all of the Beachbody workouts, along with Shakeology and all of the amazing nutritionals and supplements all at 25% discount – with no membership fees at all! Check out some of the info below and get in touch with me to get started!

  • What is the Beachbody Military program for our Independent Team Beachbody Coaches?

Beachbody is excited to offer this great program for our Coaches who are actively serving in our military. If you are an active member of the military and newly enrolling as a Beachbody Coach, the cost of your business starter kit ($39.95) and your monthly business service fee ($14.95) will be waived for the duration of your active duty orders. If you are already a Beachbody Coach and on active duty, your monthly business service fee will be waived for the duration of your active duty orders. In either case, if your active orders have no stated end date, your business service fee will be waived for a minimum of two years.

  • I’m a Beachbody Coach and I’ve got friends in the military who would like to enroll as an Independent Team Beachbody Coach. What’s my next step?

It’s always a great idea to share as much information about this opportunity with your prospective Coach prior to their enrollment. Giving them a chance to review more about being a Coach can help ensure they’re well informed. Once they’ve decided to join our Coach network, you’ll want them to complete the Coach application, and submit the completed Coach application, together with a copy of their active duty orders, to our Coach Relations team for further review and processing. Paperwork may be submitted to our secure fax at (213) 201-7225 or by email to If we need any further information to verify a new Coach’s active duty status, we will reach out to them directly.

  • I’m active military and I’d like to become an Independent Team Beachbody Coach. How do I enroll?

Please complete the Coach application, and submit the completed Coach application, together with a copy of your active duty orders or any suitable verification of your status, such as a copy of your military ID or your BIR, to our Coach Relations team for further review and processing. Paperwork may be submitted to our secure fax at (213) 201-7225 or by email to If we need any further information to verify a new Coach’s active duty status, we will reach out to you directly.

  • Both I and my spouse are active military. May we both enroll as Independent Team Beachbody Coaches and have our fees waived?

Yes, if you and your spouse are both active military, you may each enroll as an Independent Team Beachbody Coach, and each of you is eligible to have your basic enrollment fee of $39.95 and your monthly business service fee waived. Both of you will need to complete our Coach application and submit the application along with the verification of your active status.

  • I’m active duty military however my spouse would like to enroll as an Independent Team Beachbody Coach. Is this possible?

Yes, absolutely. If you are active duty military and are not a Beachbody Coach, your spouse is welcome to take advantage of this benefit. If your spouse is enrolling as a Coach rather than you, your spouse will need to submit a copy of your active duty orders or other suitable paperwork, in order to qualify for this waiver. In this particular case, the name on the Coach account will be the enrolling spouse.

  • I’m active duty military. Can anyone other than my spouse enroll as a Coach based on my status?

No. As an active member of the military, either you or your spouse may enroll as an Independent Team Beachbody Coach to take advantage of this waiver of standard fees. If you and your spouse both wish to enroll as Independent Team Beachbody Coaches, and only one of you is an active member of the military, only one of you would qualify to have your standard enrollment fee of $39.95 and your monthly business service fee waived.

  • I’m active duty military and I’m already an Independent Team Beachbody Coach. What’s next for me?

Please submit a copy of your active duty orders or other suitable verification of your status, such as a copy of your military ID or your BIR (feel free to use the Coach Application Fax Cover page available HERE) to our Coach Relations team. Upon further verification of your active duty status, we will waive your monthly business service fee for the duration of your active duty orders. Please note that your initial business starter kit charges are not eligible to be refunded.

  • What do you mean when you say I have to be active duty military to qualify for this benefit?

At the time you submit your Coach application, we will also need you to include a copy of your active duty orders or other suitable verification of your status, from your branch of service. Your active duty orders will likely include a start and end date. Based upon the end date given, your monthly business service fee will be waived during that time period. If you are reassigned to active duty at a later date please contact our Coach Relations team for further instructions.

If you’d like more information please email me at

If you have more extensive questions regarding whether or not you are eligible for this program, please contact our Compliance department at

Stock Markets may crash – but our health doesn’t have to crash & burn!

It’s no secret – it’s tough out there right now! From the national debt crisis and debt ceiling mess, to the stock market going crazy; these kinds of economic uncertainties will often cause us to pull back on our own spending, watch every dollar more closely and cut corners where we can. But we can’t stop investing in our health.

The good news is – we can stay healthy and physically fit even on a tight budget. It may just take a little planning and preparation just like any other good budget – but it’s very possible. In fact the top excuses about why someone can’t eat healthy and exercise – No time, No money – are the top excuses whether the world is in a financial crisis or not. So, what are some practical ways to eat healthy and exercise on a budget?


  • Bulk! The bigger backs of chicken breast, lean beef etc are always cheaper if you buy the bigger packs. Just separate it when you get home to freeze it or cook a big meal that will give you meals for a few days – saving time and money!
  • Frozen! Yes – frozen fruits and vegetables are often just as good, if not better than the ‘fresh’ produce. That’s because they’re ‘flash frozen’ right away and the majority of their nutrients are retained that way. The longer the ‘fresh’ stuff sits out as it gets shipped to stores etc, it degrades the nutrients. And you can get plenty of servings from the big bags of frozen vegetables and fruit for less than the cost of fresh.
  • Liquid Egg Whites! We avoid the yolk anyway, so why buy the whole carton of eggs? The containers of liquid egg whites are pretty reasonably priced, easy and no waste!
  • Bottled Water – really? Do you need a new plastic bottle every time you’re thirsty? It’s expensive! Invest in one nice thermal water bottle and then refill it with filtered water from your fridge, or a pitcher of tap water in the fridge. Save money and the environment from all of the water bottles!

Exercise –

Everyone knows I love live workouts at the gym, heck, that’s why I teach and get my membership free! But if you don’t teach and can’t swing the cost of a gym there are plenty of other options to keep moving.

  • Walk! If the weather is great – get outside and do some intervals of walking, brisk walking and running. Add some ankle or wrist weights for a more intense workout. If the weather doesn’t cooperate, check local malls and even public schools that allow walkers to use their facilities. Schools also often open their pools and fitness facilities for the public at certain times of the day as well.
  • In Home Workouts! Invest in one, or go in halves with a friend and commit to doing it together each day! Pick one that is all inclusive with some cardio and strength training to get maximum results.
  • Shake up the ‘Regular’ stuff! So we’ve got to sweep, vacuum, rake the leaves and clean the house anyway – just put some extra oomph into it! Crank up some tunes that get you moving and go! Gotta take kids to baseball or soccer practice? Do laps around the field or walking lunges rather than busting out the lawn chair.

There are plenty of ways to make exercise and eating healthy work on any budget or schedule ~ plan ahead and make it happen. No excuses!

Baby it’s HOT outside!

If you are like most of us in the US – you may have been faced with some pretty high temperatures and humidity over the past few weeks. So other than sitting in an air condition from morning to night – what should we do to operate the best under this pressure of oppressing heat?

DRINK MORE WATER!! OK so it may be sort of a no brainer, but still, really be conscious of how much water you’re getting in. Obviously the heat can dehydrate us quick, and then being dehydrated has many ripple effects. Your blood is mostly water, so when your body is low on water, blood volume is lower which in turn lowers the amount of oxygen and nutrients that reach your organs and tissues. Dehydration also SLOWS your metabolism. Lack of water puts pressure on the kidneys and the liver, which slows fat metabolism. Avoid caffeine and alcohol as these will promote dehydration.

EAT! But wait, don’t load up on a couple of big meals or processed and fatty foods that require a lot of work for our body to digest ’cause you’ll be ready to zonk out in no time. We should eat many small meals, every few hours on a regular day – but it is even more important when you are constantly exposed to high heat and humidity. Eat small, light meals every few hours, consisting of a lot of fruit and vegetables that will aid in getting more water in, and lean protein. It’s also good to get some salt in to help absorb water as well. Drink healthy fruit smoothies or make healthy smoothie popsicles that even the kids will love and help keep everyone cool.

WORKOUT Early! Hey, I’m not exactly a morning person either – but in the heat it’s best to get up before the sun does and get your workout in before it heats up outside. Otherwise, if working out later in the evening doesn’t cause you to have a hard time falling asleep, that’s another option.

And of course, if it’s super hot and you don’t have air conditioning or access to a pool and the hose or sprinkler just ain’t cutting it, visit a local community pool or head to the library, local museum mall or movie where it is air conditioned to get a break.

Take care of yourselves in this heat – and everyday!

Lead by Example

“A leader leads by example, whether he intends to or not.” Unknown

I know what you’re thinking, and I’m not talking work here. I’m talking about some of the most precious people in our lives ~ our children! Sometimes we need to take a step back and make sure that what we are teaching them day after day by the way we live is what we want them to learn and replicate. Walk the walk, don’t just talk the talk. We’ve got a huge responsibility raising children, so we want to show them the way by the the way that we live ourselves, not just telling them.

Attitude is Everything! Do you put your smile on out in public but at home – you’re short, easily agitated, talk down or negative? Stop. Now granted we will all encounter circumstances that are difficult to deal with – but how we deal with them in the privacy of our home where the little ears hear and little eyes are watching is huge. Be positive. Use your manners – use please and thank yous at home too! Make the best of difficult situations. Be nice to one another – especially your family! Don’t talk bad about people behind their backs. Don’t use foul language. Display a positive, strong attitude at home just as you do in public. Say you’re sorry. Your little ones will learn that it is possible to be strong and positive regardless of the situation.

Work Ethic! Of course, we all want our kids to have everything we didn’t have and more. But the answer is not to just give it to them. Sometimes we want our kids to ‘live the good life’ and we don’t require them to ‘do’ much, but in doing that, we’re not teaching them how to live the good life permanently. We’ve got to make them understand that work is important, valuable and necessary. And then have them ‘work’ as well. Of course, small shores to start, and it can be things done together as a family, but we’ve got to involve them in jobs around the house. Sit down with your kids to figure out what needs to be done, when and by whom so that the whole family can have time for other activities and some relaxation. Make it routine, so that they learn at an early age how to work consistently, certain jobs in the morning, others in the evening, some things are certain days of the week and so on. And just like the real world, there should be compensation for a job well done, and repercussions if not. Teach them how to balance their time, build in routines, and be contributing members of the family and they will take this work ethic with them as they grow.


We use this responsibility chart with my 5 year old and he LOVES doing it. He even thinks of completing tasks without me telling him so he can put a magnet up

Health! So you know I cannot leave this topic untouched. Seriously though, this area is huge. Of course, we are going to talk to our kids and be a good example about not smoking, drinking and using drugs. But do we teach them how to live as healthy as possible? Most of our schools unfortunately are not helping our cause with the types of school lunches that are served, we need to be proactice in teaching our children how to eat healthy and incorporate exercise into their lives. Surely we’re not making them do P90X, but they can get involved while we do our home workouts, we can jump rope, ride bikes, roller blade, go for walks, and a ton of other things to get them off the couch, away from the tv and video games, and moving. We can make healthy breakfast, lunches and dinners, have healthy snacks in our pantry, and not make the fast food drive throughs a regular visit. We set the standard.


Our children will copy and imitate what we do – so we must be extremely careful that the behaviors we display are what we want our children replicating. Lead the way – by doing!

“If your actions inspire others to dream more, learn more, do more and become more, you are a leader.”
John Quincy Adams


Suffer from Fat Phobia?

Ok, I’m not talking about extra pounds we may carry around; I’m talking about EATING fat. I get asked a lot about whether we should eat fat or what kind of fats. Fat free, Low-fat, non-fat, trans fat, saturated fat…what’s good for me and what’s gonna kill me?

So here’s the thing – we NEED fat in our diet. Why?

What does healthy fat do for our body?

  • Absorb the fat soluble vitamins A, S, E, K, and prevent deficiencies of these vitamins.
  • Play a huge role in helping you manage your moods, stay on top of your mental game, fight fatigue, and even control your weight.
  • Helps food to stay in the stomach longer, and leaves you feeling more satisfied and less hungry later.
  • Provides back-up energy if blood sugar supplies run out (after 4-6 hours without food).
  • Provides insulation under the skin from the cold and the heat.
  • Protects organs and bones from shock and provides support for organs.
  • Surrounds and insulates nerve fibers to help transmit nerve impulses.
  • Fat is part of every cell membrane in the body. It helps transport nutrients and metabolites across cell membranes.
  • Make a variety of other building blocks needed for everything from hormones to immune function.

What happens when we don’t have enough fat in our diet?

  • Dry, scaly skin
  • Hair loss
  • Cold intolerance
  • Bruising
  • Poor growth
  • Lower resistance to infection
  • Poor wound healing
  • Can cause weight gain as we’re likely eating to many carbohydrates and sugars

The key is to know which ones to eat, and which to avoid.

Saturated fats and trans fats are NOT healthy fats as they raise your cholesterol and increase your risk for heart disease.

But monounsaturated fats and polyunsaturated fats are good for you, lowering cholesterol and reducing your risk of heart disease.

Also remember that a “fat-free” label doesn’t mean you can eat all you want without consequences to your waistline. Many fat-free foods are high in sugar, refined carbohydrates, and calories.

Ok – so what should we do?

  • Try to eliminate trans fats from your diet. Check food labels for trans fats. Avoiding commercially-baked goods goes a long way. Also limit fast food.
  • Limit saturated fats by reducing red meat and full-fat dairy foods. Try beans, nuts, poultry, and fish instead of red meat and switching from whole milk and other full-fat dairy foods to lower fat versions.
  • Eat omega-3 fats every day. Good sources include fish, walnuts, ground flax seeds, flax seed oil, canola oil, and soybean oil.
  • Eat less red meat (beef, pork, or lamb) and more fish and chicken
  • Go for lean cuts of meat, and stick to white meat, which has less saturated fat.
  • Bake, broil, or grill – don’t fry
  • Remove the skin from chicken and trim as much fat off of meat as possible before cooking.
  • Choose low-fat milk and lower-fat cheeses like mozzarella whenever possible; enjoy full-fat dairy in moderation.
  • Use liquid vegetable oils such as olive oil or canola oil instead of shortening or butter.
  • Avoid cream and cheese sauces, or have them served on the side.

Enjoy a moderate amount of healthy fat each day with the peace of mind that you are protecting your heart, brain and your body with every bite!