Your life is what you create it to be!

Posts tagged ‘small business’

How to Start Conversations

When you come from a place of genuine interest and warmth, almost anything you say will be well received and appreciated. What you actually say doesn’t have to be clever, how knowledgable you are, or how much you can “save” them will actually create alienation and a loss of connection. People appreciate others showing genuine interest, and everyone appreciates and treasures those moments when we drop our “presentations” and become authentic.

Conversation and small talk isn’t easy and natural for everyone, but it’s a skill that can be learned. The more you practice, obviously, the easier and more spontaneous it will become. A tip to start “training” yourself to be better at it, is to put yourself in a non threatening comfortable situation. This will mean different things for each of you as some of you might be a very comfortable parent chatting on the sidelines to other parents, while others may be very comfortable walking up to someone to help them in the grocery store. You can easily start by making small talk with the clerks where you shop and the waiters/waitresses when you are out for a meal or even your morning coffee. Oddly enough, this tip may be VERY helpful…..Practice with telephone solicitors! Why? Because it will challenge you to keep the conversation going with asking leading questions and the caller will stay on the line for obvious reasons!

Initiating a conversation with a stranger might not be easy, but we can’t let fear or our anxieties run our lives and keep us from growing. You only grow when you put yourself in challenge uncomfortable positions, and learn some lessons along the way. Additionally, you never know what kind of day the other person may be having, and just your friendly banter may brighten their day or even make them smile. Others may even be flattered! In general, we all love to be noticed and appreciated for our efforts.

So what do you say? It really doesn’t matter as long as you say something. Start be getting comfortable with opening the door for communication with a simple SMILE and a warm “Hi,” “Hello,” “How are you?” or “Good morning,” and see what happens! If you know the person’s name or something about them say, “Hi, Nancy. How are you doing?” or “Hey, how is potty training that new dog of yours?” the next step is VERY important, Listen and respond appropriately. Some people need that nudge to keep the fire of communicating going. You may need to drive the conversation a bit. Always pay attention to body language though. If someone is darting their eyes, pulling away from you, seems rushed, let the conversation close. You may find some of your conversations may be a bit out from left field while others open a whole new world of things in common and the conversation can go on and on. Additionally, some conversations you wish you never started and others might be the high point of your day. It’s all a lesson, and sometimes a risk we have to take on opening the lines of communication.

What you really want to get into the habit of doing is asking open-ended questions as opposed to yes/no questions. If the person can respond with either a yes or a no, that’s not a good question you should ask. Again people always like to be complimented or feel of value. Starting with a compliment or asking for their opinion even on something you may be an expert about, will open up for a back and forth dialogue. It gives other people the permission and opportunity to talk. You may need to memorize some cliche open-ended questions that can be used as ice breakers in different social settings. At a party you might ask how they know the people who are throwing the party. Or at the grocery store, you may ask for some help on picking out the best beef for your stew. You can even ask for directions or recommendations to some great local restaurants or shopping areas. (even if you know them all!)

One of the best tips to finding out someone’s name is to introduce yourself first or introduce someone else in your party so they can offer up their name to them. People always value the sound of their name, especially when someone else remembers it. So at the close of the conversation, if you have completely forgotten their name, don’t be ashamed in asking for it again. If it’s a name that warrants spelling, ask them how they spell it.

The only way you will get better at socializing and communicating is to get out there and do it! Follow me on Facebook for more free advice, tips, motivation and training!

How to Get Started and Build Your Small Business Network

In this interview with Carl Daikeler, CEO of Beachbody, I have the opportunity to answer some questions that many small business owners struggle with in getting started and growing their home businesses.
Getting started in a home business does require marketing, scheduling, and following through on business building tasks that will grow your business daily. It's easy to let a day go by, and fail to make motions in your business. Managing your schedule as well as following through with your follow ups is two pivotal steps in growth.
In this interview you will hear how I personally got started in my multi level marketing home business.  Putting this business in front of the people who are closest to you, that you have had relationships with for years, as well as just know by acquaintance or referral.
The more people you can interact with, even if you don't know them, is the only way to grow your business as well as to impact other people's lives. The impact you can make on someone else's life in helping them reach their goals is a step that many people don't take advantage of or see they have the ability to do. But, we are all the same. We all just want to have companionship, accountability, support, and a pat on the head to know that we are valued and that we are doing a good job.

Follow me on facebook if you want to have daily motivation and business building tips for your own home business
Please also comment below on what your best TAKE AWAY is from this video and what you would like to see more of.

DON’T FREAK OUT! Consistency for Small Business Growth

Why is consistency important in small business growth? Especially a small home business? It’s not only the important but the cornerstone! It also translates into all areas of your life!

Being in the health and wellness industry, I am guilty of the exact same feelings of discouragement and wanting to throw the towel in when I don’t see immediate results!  All that focused planning of my food, intake, and exercise, why can’t I be at a lean ripped up machine in just a matter of a couple days?  Honestly, I always notice that my body doesn’t change much, weigh different, or really “see” the efforts of my labor until the 14th day!  Weird, I wake up on the 14th day, and boom, I can see it!

Or how about the time where I started washing dishes in a my hometown restaurant when I REALLY wanted to be a “bus girl.” Even though I didn’t get tips being a bus girl, it just allowed me to have that feeling of success and not being the one trapped in a hot kitchen scraping uneaten food off of plates and throwing them in the wash. My time did finally come to graduate into the main dining where I could finally dress in a black skirt and white shirt, and the white shirt would actually stay white!  But I had to put a ton of effort, prove my skills, prove my work ethic, prove my determination for growth, prove I am the girl to move!

Why is your home business any different than any other venture of growth in your life?

There is no difference! Why would you decide to make a big change in your life, one that will improve the quality of your life, invest time, money, and stress in the efforts of getting started then do nothing or drop off because the growth of your business isn’t happening when you want it to?  Only you can answer that question for yourself, yet so many people do just this.

No business should be treated like a hobby and especially your own business you must take it seriously and be consistent on a daily basis.  Don’t think that things will happen overnight it takes time and committing yourself.

I hear many times from people working on developing their business say, “I tried that it didn’t work” or “I don’t have upline support.” Most often time it’s easier to put the blame on someone else or even put the blame on the business model itself.

But what it really boils down to is consistency. Doing the right activity over and over.  Now we have to be realistic!  You can’t expect to see life changing results in a matter of a couple months.  There is no possible way but you must be persistent and consistent. Because just like riding a bike, it’s tough to get the bike rolling as you start to pedal, but once you are rolling it’s rolling with less effort! But as soon as you hit the breaks and stop, to get rolling again is tough! Sometimes you may even be caught in the middle of a steep hill!

I run with the motto, “Things always work out in the end”. I’d be honest in saying I don’t stress out about meeting deadlines, meeting challenges, and even meeting the personal quota and goals I set each month. Even when the month starts to near it’s end, my stress level starts to rise and I start working even more on activity to produce the results I’d like.  But what I find happens, is that because I was consistent, never putting the breaks on for the months leading up to the end of this month, the breadcrumbs and efforts I was laying down the whole time turns around and pays off.

Here are some suggestions to ensuring your activity is productive and not just a matter of busy work that you keep fooling yourself with.

1) Set a 90 day activity journal.  Record your activity for 3 months, as well as the productivity.  If you are failing to see the fruition of the efforts you laid down in the beginning of the 90 days come around at the end of the 90 days, time to re-evaluate your activity.

2) Re-Evaluate your Daily/Weekly/Monthly Schedule – It’s easy to be busy. But being busy with activity that fills your time producing no results will only frustrate you.  Use a calendar to schedule out your appointments of work and activity on each day and follow it! Be sure to move on to the next scheduled task that is on your schedule.

3) Don’t be Scared to Ask for an Honest Opinion! – After being diligent in your efforts of work and activity, find your mentor, sponsor, or direct manager and ask for some constructive feedback.  As hard as that pill is to take, someone that you have in this position above you should be able to deliver just the news you need to hear while giving you that drive and determination to make those changes for a better result.

As more is learned about your efforts, schedule, and areas needed for improvement, more of the inefficiency is removed, exposing that still more can be learned — and so on — creating an ever increasing spiral of productivity and results. But that can’t happen without consistency.

5 Unhealthy Diet Foods that Can Make You Gain Weight

Eating healthy and finally deciding to take charge of your health and fitness is a great step in achieving the fountain of youth and quality of life!  It’s a fact! People who are fitter and healthier are happier!  A quality diet is essential for good health, but as s novice jumping into this so-called healthy food world, you can easily be fooled. Just jumping into the world of “diet” food conjures up feelings and thoughts of negativity.  My mother use to think that whenever she had to drop some pounds, she would have to eat grapefruit, cottage cheese, and lettuce for all of her meals.  Doing is surely a way to set yourself up for failure in the long run.  That’s not a normal daily diet, and is a quick temporary fix.

Be careful about the so-called diet healthy food.  Companies know how to fool their consumers with just a play on words. Check out some of the common words that easily fools someone into reaching for this so-called healthier version:

  • Fat Free
  • Reduced Fat
  • Low Fat
  • Sugar Free
  • No Added Sugar
  • Diet

We easily can believe that these foods in this category are healthier and the version we should choose, right?  This is an easy mistake to make.

Typically, those words cover up the real story of what is hidden: Full of Sugar, Chemicals, High Carbs, High glycemic index….I could go on!

Think about candy.  Isn’t sugary candy like starbursts, lollypops, jellybeans etc fat free? Why yes! But it’s loaded with artificial ingredients and sugar!

Check out some of the so-called diet good for you items that we so easily get wrapped up in using:

1) Diet Soda – Fewer calories and sugar yes, but research has shown that dieters actually gain weight when drinking this for long periods of time.

2) Smoothies – If you can blend it, it must be good for you, right? Wrong! How many calories are in that smoothie? Sometimes you choose items to add that have high levels of sugar, fat, and calories. It all adds up!

3) Pre-Packaged Frozen Diet meals – Easy for you to heat and eat, but loaded with sodium! These types of foods need artificial preservatives, that’s why they are in long term freezer storage!

4) Yogurt!  Most common choice of yogurt is loaded with calories, sugar, and fruit!

5) Popcorn!  – What? Popcorn is in the category?  Most often times people pop the 3 or more serving bags, and then eat it all! They are loaded with calories, sodium, and preservatives. Stay clear.

General rule of thumb is to choose fresh foods with limited processing.  If you stay simple with your food choices, you will get greater healthier results. Stick to lean meats cooked grilled, baked, or broiled. Fresh vegetables and fruits. And always remember to keep an eye on serving and portion sizes.

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5 Successful People Who Failed Horribly in Their Journey

“I have not failed. I have just found 10,000 ways that won’t work.” – Thomas Edison

Having success will take you time and effort. And SURE, many times you will fail before you are even successful. Ask just about anybody who has become successful if they have ever failed in their journey towards acheiving their goals or dreams. Chances are you will get quite a few great stores and laughs at many of their failed attempts.

The difference between long-term success and failure is your reaction to it. People who lead, are determined for success, accept it and learn from it. Simple fact:

Failure happens. Live with it. Learn from it. Move on from it.

Your view of failure doesn’t need to change or be avoided. Think of it this way, it’s a chance to learn something that does not work!

If you’re struggling in your online business, don’t be afraid to try things that are “new” “different” or even go against the traditional approach of an online business. The worst thing that can happen is failure… which is just a chance to learn and grow.

Proof in the point! Here are a list of 5 hugely successful people, in which, all of them failed. Of course everyone will fail in a small degree, but they all failed in a public and massive degree. Yet, they are viewed as hugely successful people because of their success and their ability to bounce back.

Bill Gates: Dropped out of Harvard and started a failed first business with Microsoft and co-founder Paul Allen called Traf-O-Data. While their initial idea wasn’t successful, Gates’ later work did, creating the global empire that is Microsoft.

Walt Disney: HUGE success today as it brings in billions from merchandise, movies and their theme parks around the world, but it wasn’t an easy start. Disney got fired by a newspaper editor because the editor felt he lacked imagination and didn’t have any good ideas. Later, he started a number of businesses that didn’t work or last and most ended with bankruptcy and failure. He never gave up, and the rest is history!

Elvis Presley: One of the best-selling artists of all time, Elvis has become a household name even years after his death. But back in 1954, He was still a nobody and even got fired from the Grand Ole Opry after just one performance. He was told: “You ain’t goin’ nowhere, son. You ought to go back to drivin’ a truck.”

Oprah Winfrey: Most people wouldn’t even know she had success a history of struggle because of her grand success these days in TV and other sources of media. She’s even one of the richest and most successful women in the world. She endured a rough road and often abusive childhood as well as numerous career setbacks including being fired from her job as a television reporter because she was “unfit for tv.”

Babe Ruth: Can’t even imagine someone not knowing his name or his success because of his home run record (714 during his career). But of course, along with all those home runs came a long list of strikeouts as well (1,330 in all). Actually, for decades he held the record for strikeouts. When asked about this he simply said, “Every strike brings me closer to the next home run.”

It’s just impossible for someone who has a fear of failure to achieve anything, because they have never tried. Never gave themselves the opportunity to succeed.

It is in doing, trying, and experiencing things you never did before that you grow and develop into success. Through practice you get better and better at the things you do.


How are you able to grow in your business ventures if you keep searching, hoping, crossing your fingers that someone will find your information and want to get connected with you and your business?

It’s easy to get caught up with the “slam it out there” message with your business, but in reality, it doesn’t work. What DOES work with growing your business is the relationship, trust, and down to earth human approach. Be interested in others, rather than taking the 6 year old approach of “look what I can do”, “look what I know”, “look how awesome I am.”

3 TIPS on how to effectively build a relationship with your followers:

1. BE CONSISTENT! – Posting every so often doesn’t create a reason for people to follow you. Infrequent posts don’t create that feeling of hunger! Hungry for more reason to stay connected with you! At a minimum, social sites like Facebook have to have at least one post a day. Blog content at a minimum should be once per week. Frequency creates re-call and discovery. If you are barely there, you are forgettable and won’t be discovered by that random person who was online just at the right time.

2. BE A GIVER NOT A TAKER! – Posting about what you do, what you sell, and how amazing you are speaks only to one person, your ego and your pocket. Being consistent in yoru posts but not providing helpful content that creates conversation and interest in others doesn’t create a following. It actually repels people, you become like white noise. Take a step back every so often and see if your posts are something you as a “customer” would gravitate towards. It’s easy to keep falling back into old habit, so do this review often.

3. BE REAL, BE HUMAN, BE YOU! – if you want to gain your reader’s trust and following, acknowledging that you have lessons learned, struggles, and life experiences that you want to share, they will connect with you. Being perfect, a know it all, and just a resource of telling people what they should do creates a different perception of who you are and what you represent. Most of the time, it’s a perception that you are self serving. Focus on being helpful, giving, and ask for feedback, response, and conversation to a topic of interest.